The Electronics & Telecommunication Department of our college has been setting exemplary standards since its inception and is well on course to continue the tradition for years to come. It is an honor to represent this department as H.O.D and be an integral part of its endeavors. The department strongly believes in the ability of its students to leave a global footprint, assisted by a highly qualified pool of faculties. The department has UG and PG programs. Department also has Ph.D. research center.
The students are encouraged to take up challenging projects involving embedded systems, VLSI, DSP, image processing and to publish their work in various international conferences/journals. Students are bred to follow a philosophy that does not set boundaries to their ability to learn and the same has been established through their contribution to various researches.
The department puts strong emphasis on imparting practical education by carefully administering proper lab work to complement their theoretical knowledge. For years, this department has strived to project its faculties as mentors who can foster growth of the students beyond the boundaries of classrooms and books. The success stories of the students and alumni stretch far beyond academic achievements. The students of this department have consistently performed in University examinations as well as in organizing extra-curricular events like cultural fests, technical fests, sports activities, international conferences which have tested their ability to integrate their knowledge with innovation and forward thinking.
Department have IETE Student Forum (ISF) and Departmental student's association (ETELSA) which are functioning to motivate students through various technical events. Department also have Innovation Club through which students get exposure technical tools required to build a project. Departmental News Letter gives space for innovative ideas and challenges.
With Best wishes.
To be recognized as excellent technical education and research centre in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering to develop competent professionals and transform them into good human beings.
Engineering Graduate will be able to:
Sr. No | Name of Faculty | Designation | Qualification | Experience In Yrs. |
1 | Dr. Karande Kailash Jagannath | Principal | Ph.D (E&TC), M.Tech | 28 Years |
2 | Dr. Godbole Bhalchandra Balkrishna | Dean CSR Fund, Professor in E&TC | Ph. D.(Electronics Engg.), M. E. (Electronics Engg.) | 36 Years |
3 | Dr. Mulani Altaaf Osman | HOD (E&TC), Professor in E&TC | Ph.D(E & TC),M.Tech.(Electronics) | 21 Years |
4 | Mrs. Anjali Chetan Pise | Asst Prof., PG Coordinator Electronics Engg | M E Electronics (Digital System),Ph. D. Pursuing | 20 Years |
5 | Mr. Harale Avidada Dasharath | Asst. Professor | M.Tech.(Electronics), Ph.D. Pursuing | 12 Years Teaching, 4 Years Industry |
6 | Mr. Gangonda Siddheshwar Sangameshwar | Asst. Professor | M. E. (Signal Processing), Ph. D.(Pursuing) | 15.5 Year Teaching,0.5 Years Industry |
7 | Mr. Godase Vaibhav Vilas | Asst. Professor | M. E. (Electronics Engineering) | 6.3 Years |
8 | Mr. Ghodake Rahul Ganapat | Asst. Professor | M. E. (Electronics Engineering) | 7 Years |
9 | Mr. Swapnil Ramchandra Takale | Asst. Professor | M.Tech (Electronics) | 4.5 Years |
10 | Ms.Anita Haridas Shinde | Asst. Professor | M. E. (Electronics ) | 8 Years |
11 | Mrs.Sonali Kulbhushan Godase | Asst. Professor | M.E.(Electronics) | 2.5 Years Teaching,1.5 Years Industry |
12 | Mrs. Amruta Samadhan Mali | Asst. Professor | M.Tech (Electronics Engg.) | 1.6 Years |
13 | Mr. Zade Mahesh Mahadev | Asst. Professor | ME (E&TC), Ph.D(Pursuing) | 14 Years Teachig, 2 Years Industry |
13 | Mr. Naiknavare Madhavrav Vishnu | Asst. Professor | ME (Computer),BE (E&TC) | 2 Years Teaching, 7 Years Industry |
14 | Ms. Utpat Vaishnavi Bhagwat | Asst. Professor | M.Tech (Electronics), BE (E&TC) | 1.5 Years Teaching, 1.5 Years Industry |
Sr. No | Name of Faculty | Designation | Qualification | Experience In Yrs. |
1 | Mrs.Pise Simita Dattatrya | Tech.Asst | BE (E&TC) | 6 Years |
2 | Mr.Amol Khandu Navale | Lab Asst | BA, Diploma (Comp H/W) | 14 Years |
3 | Mr.Ashish Sukhdeo Yedage | Lab Asst | BA, ITI (Electrician), Diploma( Electrical) Pursuing | 7 Years |
4 | Mrs.Aishwini Rajaram Raut | Lab Asst | BA, ITI (Electronics) | 2 Years |
Linear Integrated Circuits Lab has the facilities for design of operational amplifier and to study its application.
Project Laboratory facilitates a dedicated space where all the students can come together to work on their projects. It’s designed to foster creativity, collaboration, and practical learning.
Signal Processing Lab has facilities for studying different types of signals. To study Signal transformation in various domains
Internet of Things (IoT) devices collect data about the physical world and make these data available in the Cloud.In the laboratory, such connectivity can be exploited for tasks such as continual monitoring of laboratory environment and instruments, inventory management, and data collection.
Printed circuit boards are electronic circuits boards created for mounting electronic components on a nonconductive board, and for creating conductive connections between them. The creation of circuit patterns is accomplished using both additive and subtractive methods. The conductive circuit is generally copper, although aluminum, nickel, chrome, and other metals are sometimes used. This Lab is used to develop the projects.
Students conduct experiments in a communication lab where they become acquainted with oscilloscopes,signal generators and spectrum analyzers.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Laboratory – 18CSL76 (VTU AIML Lab) covers the different algorithms such as A* Search
Experimental research work undertaken by users at PGRL encompasses engineering, physical and life sciences and has a strong inter-disciplinary emphasis.
The purpose of Microwave Engineering Lab is to gain a basic understanding of typical microwave components & measurement techniques . It is used to determine the characteristics of Gun diode,Transmission line,Reflex Klystron & microwave test bench.
Basic information and material on circuit simulation, including tool links and usage information. Get Up and Running with LTspice. The Digital Electronic Circuits Virtual Laboratory is an initiative of Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Govt. of India
The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) founded in 1953 is one of the leading Professional Society in India. With the great vision of founder and subsequent forefathers and stalwarts who were leading light of the Institution IETE, have been devoting and contributing for the advancement of Science and Technology in the fields of Electronics, Communication Engineering, Computer Science, Information Technology and other related subjects. The major focus of IETE is to provide engineering education i.e. Degree and Diploma level certifications to younger generation at affordable cost who cannot afford it through regular & private engineering institutions at exorbitant cost. IETE has got two streams of Student base. First wing is the students of alma-mater, IETE, viz, the pass outs of DIPIETE, AMIETE and ALCCS students. For them we have an Alumni Association formed in 2013 and the Second one is the Engineering students studying in Engineering Colleges and Polytechnics across the Country. This wing is the ISF (IETE Students Forum ). More than 550 live ISFs are functioning in India today with a student membership of more than 60,000.
To provide students a platform for transforming their dream ideas into reality.
Its main purpose is to create the spark of innovation in the students mind so that he or she can see the existing problems that need to be solved. We also propagate the value of entrepreneurship. We encourage students to come up with ideas which have commercial value and connect them to experts for mentoring.
Sr. No. | Academic Year | Name of Faculty | Details |
1 | 2023-24 | Dr. K. J. Karande | Appointed as a Committee Member of Vidhya parishad of PAH Solapur University, Solapur |
2 | 2023-24 | Dr. K. J. Karande | Awarded with Educational excellence award for Best Principal of the Year |
3 | 2023-24 | Dr. A. O. Mulani | Assigned as a reviewer for the Journal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering (JBBBE) and Advanced Materials Research (AMR) |
4 | 2023-24 | Dr. A. O. Mulani | Appreciated as reviewer for the International Conference on Emerging Trends in Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Signal Processing (AIDSP-2023) |
5 | 2023-24 | Prof. G. B. Birajadar | Assigned as a reviewer 3rd IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing and Electrical Circuits & Electronics Networks and Wireless Communications (ICMNWC-2023) |
6 | 2023-24 | Prof. G. B. Birajadar | Outstanding contribution to the quality of the book work as a Peer reviewer |
7 | 2023-24 | Prof. V. V. Godase | Assigned as a reviewer for the International Conference on Recent Advances In Science & Engineering Technology (ICRASET-2023) |
8 | 2023-24 | Dr. A. O. Mulani | Editor-in-Chief for Journals of Electronics Computer Networking & Applied Mathematics (JECNAM) |
9 | 2023-24 | Prof. A. C. Pise | Awarded as Best Teacher in SKN Singhad College of Engineering, Korti, Pandharpur |
10 | 2023-24 | Dr. K. J. Karande | Actively participated in the APAIE 2024 Conference and Exhibition from 4th – 8th March 2024 at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre, Perth, Australia |
11 | 2023-24 | Dr. A. O. Mulani | Guided to project group who won 1st prize in Dipex 2024: A state level exhibition cum competition |
12 | 2023-24 | Prof. G. B. Birajadar | Awarded with highest degree of education Ph.D. , specialized in Electrical & Electronics Engineering Science. |
13 | 2023-24 | Prof. G. B. Birajadar | Assigned as a reviewer for 2nd International conference on Integrated circuits & communication systems (ICICACS-2024). |
14 | 2023-24 | Dr. A. O. Mulani | Assigned as a Reviewer in 6th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Smart Computing and Informatics (IEEE ESCI-2024) |
15 | 2023-24 | Prof. A. C. Pise | Assigned as a Reviewer in 6th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Smart Computing and Informatics (IEEE ESCI-2024) |
16 | 2022-23 | Dr. K. J. Karande | Appointed as a University of nominees on statutory bodies of Autonomous college |
17 | 2022-23 | Dr. K. J. Karande | Appointed as a Standing Committee Member of PAH Solapur University, Solapur |
18 | 2022-23 | Dr. K. J. Karande | Elected as Senate member of PAH Solapur University, Solapur from September 2022. |
19 | 2022-23 | Dr. A. O. Mulani | Editor-in-Chief for Journals of Electronics Computer Networking & Applied Mathematics (JECNAM) |
20 | 2022-23 | Dr. K. J. Karande | Member of Board of studies at PAH Solapur University, Solapur |
21 | 2022-23 | Dr. A. O. Mulani | Member of Board of studies at PAH Solapur University, Solapur |
22 | 2022-23 | Dr. A. O. Mulani | Appreciation for his work as Associate Editor of IET Image Processing Journal (SCIE Indexed Journal) |
23 | 2022-23 | Prof. G. B. Birajadar | Reviewer for IEEE International Conference on Applied Intelligence & Sustainable Computing (ICAISC) |
24 | 2022-23 | Dr. K. J. Karande | Pratishtha Shikshan Ratna Puraskar Awarded to our Honorable Principal for outstanding work in Professional Education |
25 | 2021-22 | Dr. A. O. Mulani | Reviewer Of Journal Of Engineering Science & Technology (Scopus Indexed) |
26 | 2021-22 | Dr. A. O. Mulani | Reviewer Of The Journal Of Super Computing (SCIE Indexed Journal) |
27 | 2020-21 | Prof. G. B. Birajadar | Appreciated & got Second prize in the Idea Competition, during the AICTE Sponsored One- Week Online Short Term Training Program on ‘Advances in Biomedical Signal Processing with Hands-on', from 5th October to 10th October 2020 |
Sr. No. | Name of student | Organizing Institute | Event Name | Achievement | Academic Year |
1 | Anuja Patil | Zep Foundation, Mumbai | World Digital Ditox Day Competition (National level) | Runner (Hindi Literature Article) | 2023-24 |
2 | Akanksha Pawar | Zep Foundation, Mumbai | World Digital Ditox Day Competition (National level) | Consolation Prize | 2023-24 |
3 | Pranjali Bedre | Terna Engineering College, Navi Mumbai | DIPEX 2024 (State level) | Winner (Project Exhibition cum Competition) | 2023-24 |
4 | Shraddha Kulkarni | Terna Engineering College, Navi Mumbai | DIPEX 2024 (State level) | Winner (Project Exhibition cum Competition) | 2023-24 |
5 | Varada Bidkar | Terna Engineering College, Navi Mumbai | DIPEX 2024 (State level) | Winner (Project Exhibition cum Competition) | 2023-24 |
6 | Soham Modi | Terna Engineering College, Navi Mumbai | DIPEX 2024 (State level) | Winner (Project Exhibition cum Competition) | 2023-24 |
7 | Vishal Misal | Terna Engineering College, Navi Mumbai | DIPEX 2024 (State level) | Winner (Project Exhibition cum Competition) | 2023-24 |
8 | Pragati Bhagat | Terna Engineering College, Navi Mumbai | DIPEX 2024 (State level) | Winner (Project Exhibition cum Competition) | 2023-24 |
9 | Vinayak Aiwale | PAH Solapur University,Solapur | Aavishkar 2023 (University Level) | Winner (Medicine and Pharmacy) | 2023-24 |
10 | Aryan Nagtilak | SKN Sinhgad COE, Pandharpur | Weengs 2K23 | Winner | 2023-24 |
11 | Sneha Ullegaddi | SKN Sinhgad COE, Pandharpur | Weengs 2K23 | Winner | 2023-24 |
12 | Mahesh Mane | SKN Sinhgad COE, Pandharpur | Weengs 2K23 | Winner | 2023-24 |
13 | Neha Rokade | SKN Sinhgad COE, Pandharpur | Weengs 2K23 | Runner | 2023-24 |
14 | Nikita Pawar | SKN Sinhgad COE, Pandharpur | Weengs 2K23 | Runner | 2023-24 |
15 | Shrushti Sonawane | SKN Sinhgad COE, Pandharpur | Weengs 2K23 | Runner | 2023-24 |
16 | Nikita Kadam | SKN Sinhgad COE, Pandharpur | Spectrum 2K23 Circuit Sudoku | Runner | 2023-24 |
17 | Pranjali Bedre | Amritvahini COE, Sangamner, Ahmednagar | Technovation 2024 (Hardware Category) | Appreciation Certificate | 2023-24 |
18 | Pranjali Bedre | SVERI’s COE, Pandharpur | E2LOGIC 2K24 | Runner | 2023-24 |
19 | Shraddha Kulkarni | SVERI’s COE, Pandharpur | E2LOGIC 2K24 | Runner | 2023-24 |
20 | Varada Bidkar | SVERI’s COE, Pandharpur | E2LOGIC 2K24 | Runner | 2023-24 |
21 | Soham Modi | SVERI’s COE, Pandharpur | E2LOGIC 2K24 | Runner | 2023-24 |
22 | Vishal Misal | SVERI’s COE, Pandharpur | E2LOGIC 2K24 | Runner | 2023-24 |
23 | Pragati Bhagat | SVERI’s COE, Pandharpur | E2LOGIC 2K24 | Runner | 2023-24 |
24 | Preeti Navale | SKN SCOE, Pandharpur | Spectrum 2K23 Poster Presentation | Runner | 2023-24 |
25 | Trupti Pawar | Dept. of ENTC, SKN SCOE, Pandharpur | Quiz Master Competition | Runner | 2023-24 |
26 | Ejaj Attar | SKN Sinhgad COE, Pandharpur | Weengs 2K23 | Winner | 2022-23 |
27 | Rohit Dange | SKN Sinhgad COE, Pandharpur | Weengs 2K23 | Winner | 2022-23 |
28 | Pranav Ghodake | SKN Sinhgad COE, Pandharpur | Weengs 2K23 | Winner | 2022-23 |
29 | Snehal Kumbhar | SKN Sinhgad COE, Pandharpur | Weengs 2K23 | Runner | 2022-23 |
30 | Sagar Bhumkar | SKN Sinhgad COE, Pandharpur | Weengs 2K23 | Runner | 2022-23 |
31 | Sanjay Gaikwad | SKN Sinhgad COE, Pandharpur | Weengs 2K23 | Runner | 2022-23 |
32 | Apeksha Nagane | SKN Sinhgad COE, Pandharpur | Spectrum 2K22- Circuit Sudoku | Runner | 2022-23 |
33 | Sonali Misal | SKN Sinhgad COE, Pandharpur | Spectrum 2K22- Circuit Sudoku | Runner | 2022-23 |
34 | Sandhya Patil | Japan Foundation & Japan Educational Exchanges and Services | Japanese- Language Proficiency-N5 (International) | Passed | 2022-23 |
35 | Sonali Mote | Japan Foundation & Japan Educational Exchanges and Services | Japanese- Language Proficiency-N5 (International) | Passed | 2022-23 |
36 | Sonali Mote | Japan Foundation & Japan Educational Exchanges and Services | Japanese- Language Proficiency-N4 (International) | Passed | 2022-23 |
37 | Aryan Nagtilak | NBN Sinhgad COE, Solapur | Best Booming Start-Up 2021-22 | Winner | 2022-23 |
38 | Suraj Shejal | SKN Sinhgad COE, Pandharpur | WEENGS 2K22 | Winner | 2022-23 |
39 | Atik Pathan | SKN Sinhgad COE, Pandharpur | WEENGS 2K22 | Winner | 2021-22 |
40 | Shubham Salgar | SKN Sinhgad COE, Pandharpur | WEENGS 2K22 | Winner | 2021-22 |
41 | Pooja Khabale | SKN Sinhgad COE, Pandharpur | WEENGS 2K22 | Runner | 2021-22 |
42 | Kajal Magar | SKN Sinhgad COE, Pandharpur | WEENGS 2K22 | Runner | 2021-22 |
43 | Rasika Rokade | SKN Sinhgad COE, Pandharpur | WEENGS 2K22 | Runner | 2021-22 |
44 | Boxey Aasawari | SKN Sinhgad COE, Pandharpur | Spectrum 2K21-Technical Quiz | Winner | 2021-22 |
45 | Bhumkar Sagar | SKN Sinhgad COE, Pandharpur | Spectrum 2K21-Technical Quiz | Runner | 2021-22 |
46 | Ashok Kadam | Technical Quiz Competition | Technical Quiz Competition | Runner | 2020-21 |
47 | Nishant Chavan | SKN Sinhgad COE, Pandharpur | WEENGS 2K21 | Winner | 2020-21 |
48 | Raj Mane Deshmukh | SKN Sinhgad COE, Pandharpur | WEENGS 2K21 | Winner | 2020-21 |
49 | Pratiksha Waghmare | SKN Sinhgad COE, Pandharpur | WEENGS 2K21 | Winner | 2020-21 |
50 | Akshata Virkar | SKN Sinhgad COE, Pandharpur | WEENGS 2K21 | Runner | 2020-21 |
51 | Pradnya Nagare | SKN Sinhgad COE, Pandharpur | WEENGS 2K21 | Runner | 2020-21 |
52 | Vaishnavi Gulakhe | SKN Sinhgad COE, Pandharpur | UGCON 2K21 | Winner | 2020-21 |
53 | Rucha Kulkarni | SKN Sinhgad COE, Pandharpur | UGCON 2K21 | Winner | 2020-21 |
54 | Girija Damoare | SKN Sinhgad COE, Pandharpur | UGCON 2K21 | Winner | 2020-21 |
55 | Bhaghyashri Bagal | SKN Sinhgad COE, Pandharpur | UGCON 2K21 | Runner | 2020-21 |
56 | Rutuja Gholap | SKN Sinhgad COE, Pandharpur | UGCON 2K21 | Runner | 2020-21 |
57 | Pushpanjali Adat | SKN Sinhgad COE, Pandharpur | UGCON 2K21 | Runner | 2020-21 |
58 | Shaikh Saif | SKN Sinhgad COE, Pandharpur | Technical Quiz | Winner | 2020-21 |
59 | Girigosavi Nagesh | SKN Sinhgad COE, Pandharpur | Technical Quiz | Runner | 2020-21 |
60 | Shreya Bahadule | SKN Sinhgad COE, Pandharpur | Best Resume Competition | Winner | 2020-21 |
61 | Asawari Boxey | SKN Sinhgad COE, Pandharpur | Best Resume Competition | Runner | 2020-21 |
Sr. No. | Name of student | Organizing Institute | Event Name | Achievement | Academic Year |
1 | Balaji Ingole | Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) | EYF 2K24 | Winner | 2023-24 |
2 | Digvijay Khilare | Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) | EYF 2K24 | Winner | 2023-24 |
3 | Reshma Molak | SKN Sinhgad COE, Pandharpur | Kabbadi | Winner | 2023-24 |
4 | Sandhya Patil | SKN Sinhgad COE, Pandharpur | Cricket | Winner | 2023-24 |
5 | Kadam Ashok | Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) | Kabbadi | Winner | 2022-23 |
6 | Dhage Vishal | Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) | (4X100M) Relay Mens | Runner | 2022-23 |
7 | Nagane Sanket | Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) | Kabbadi | Winner | 2022-23 |
8 | Kadam Ashok | Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) | (4X100) Relay Mens | Runner | 2022-23 |
9 | Dhage Vishal | Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) | Cricket | Winner | 2022-23 |
10 | Nagane Sanket | Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) | Running (100M) | Runner | 2022-23 |
11 | Pise Tejaswini | Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) | Running (100M) | Runner | 2022-23 |
12 | Navale Vasudha | SKN Sinhgad COE, Pandharpur | Kabbadi | Winner | 2022-23 |
13 | Patil Sandhya | SKN Sinhgad COE, Pandharpur | Kabbadi | Winner | 2022-23 |
14 | Navale Vasudha | SKN Sinhgad COE, Pandharpur | Kho-Kho | Winner | 2022-23 |
15 | Navale Vasudha | SKN Sinhgad COE, Pandharpur | Volleyball | Runner | 2022-23 |
16 | Nikita Gaikwad | PAH Solapur University,Solapur | Poem - Marathi Section | Winner | 2020-21 |
17 | Shehal S. Kumbhar | PAH Solapur University,Solapur | Katha Kahani- Marathi Section | Winner | 2020-21 |
18 | Shehal S. Kumbhar | PAH Solapur University,Solapur | Lalit Lekh- Hindi Section | Winner | 2020-21 |
19 | Shehal S. Kumbhar | PAH Solapur University,Solapur | Tantrik Lekh- Urdu | Winner | 2020-21 |
20 | Shehal S. Kumbhar | PAH Solapur University,Solapur | Paryavaran Shashtra | Winner | 2020-21 |
21 | Shehal S. Kumbhar | PAH Solapur University,Solapur | Lalit Lekh – Marathi Section | Winner | 2020-21 |
22 | Shehal S. Kumbhar | PAH Solapur University,Solapur | Lalit Lekh – English Section | Winner | 2020-21 |
23 | Shreya Bhadule | PAH Solapur University,Solapur | Interview-Marathi Section | Winner | 2020-21 |
24 | Shreya Bhadule | PAH Solapur University,Solapur | Vidhi Vibhag | Winner | 2020-21 |
25 | Ranjit Nalawade | PAH Solapur University,Solapur | Samajik Shastra | Winner | 2020-21 |
26 | Girija Damodare | PAH Solapur University,Solapur | Lalit Lekh – English Section | Winner | 2020-21 |
27 | Pradnya Nagare | PAH Solapur University,Solapur | Poem - English Section | Winner | 2020-21 |
28 | Rutuja Atakare | PAH Solapur University,Solapur | Vanijya Section | Winner | 2020-21 |
Sr. No. | Particulars | Funding Agency | Amount Sanctioned (Rs.) | Amount Received (Rs.) | Academic Year |
1 | 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning. | P.A.H.Solapur University, Solapur | 25,000/- | 25,000/- | 2023-24 |
2 | Semi-Automatic Solar-Powered Pesticide Sprayer for Farming | P.A.H.Solapur University, Solapur | 80,000/- | 80,000/- | 2023-24 |
3 | Sustainable, adoptable and scalable system to provide drinking water to birds, wild animals and livestock in low rainfall region | P.A.H.Solapur University, Solapur | 85,000/- | 85,000/- | 2020-21 |
4 | Design of IOT Based Water quality Analyzer for Chandrabhaga River at ghat locations in Pandharpur. | P.A.H.Solapur University, Solapur | 80,000/- | 80,000/- | 2020-21 |
Sr. No. | Name of Faculty | Number of papers published<br> in peer reviewed journals / Conferences | Citation Index | h – Index | i10-Index |
1 | Dr. Karande Kailash J. | 95 | 622 | 13 | 17 |
2 | Dr. Mulani Altaf O. | 83 | 1188 | 22 | 50 |
3 | Dr. Godbole Bhalchandra B. | 23 | 43 | 4 | 1 |
4 | Mrs. Pise Anjali C. | 33 | 111 | 6 | 6 |
5 | Mr. Harale Avidada D. | 9 | 79 | 6 | 3 |
6 | Mr. Gangonda Siddheshwar S. | 6 | 31 | 2 | 2 |
7 | Mr. Birajadar Ganesh B. | 15 | 48 | 4 | 1 |
8 | Mr. Rahul Ghodake G. | 1 | 13 | 1 | 1 |
9 | Mr. Takale Swapnil R. | 3 | 32 | 2 | 2 |
10 | Mr. Khapale Nitin J. | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
11 | Mrs. Surwase Sudha V. | 13 | 6 | 1 | 0 |
12 | Mr. Jagdale Amol B. | 17 | 110 | 7 | 6 |
13 | Mr. Jundale Vikrant B. | 2 | 14 | 1 | 1 |
14 | Ms. Bankar Priyanka V. | 2 | 14 | 1 | 1 |
15 | Mr. Zade Mahesh M. | 30 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Sr. No. | Name of the Author | Name of Book | Name of Chapter in Book | ISBN Number |
1 | Dr.Kailash J. Karande, Mrs. A. C. Pise | Modern Approaches in Machine Learning and Congnitive Science: A Walkthrough | K-Mean Energy Efficient Optimal Cluster Based Routing Protocol in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks | 9783031430084 |
2 | Dr.Kailash J. Karande | Modern Approaches in Machine Learning and Congnitive Science: A Walkthrough | A Survey of Internet of Things Frameworks for Crowd Management System | 9783031430084 |
3 | Dr.Kailash J. Karande | Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Materials for Energy Applications | The Use of Artificial Intelligence-Based Models for Biomedical Application | 9781003220176 |
4 | Dr.Kailash J. Karande | Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Materials for Energy Applications | Post-Annealing Influence on Structural, Surface and Optical Properties of Cu3BiS3 Thin Films for Photovoltaic Solar Cells | 9781003220176 |
5 | Dr. Altaf Mulani | Machine Learning Algorithms for Signal and Image Processing | Design and Development of Chatbot Based on Reinforcement Learning | 9781119861829 |
6 | Dr.Kailash J. Karande | Intelligent Computing in Engineering Systems. | CNN based Crowd Counting and Datasets: A Survey | 9781032270807 |
7 | Dr. Kailash J. Karande | Intelligent Computing in Engineering Systems. | - | 9781032270807 |
8 | Dr. Kailash J. Karande | Cognitive Science and Technology book series | IoT-Based Environmental Parameter Monitoring Using Machine Leaming Approach | 9781032270807 |
9 | Dr. Kailash J. Karande | Computational Intelligent Computing in Engineering Systems. | - | 978-981-19-2350-0 |
10 | Dr. Kailash J. Karande | Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Materials for Energy Applications | - | 9780735442269 |
11 | Dr. Kailash J. Karande | Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Materials for Energy Applications | Post-annealing Influence on Structural, Surface and Optical Properties of Cu3BiS3 Materials for Energy Thin Films for Photovoltaic Applications Solar Cell. | 9781032115023 |
12 | Dr. Kailash J. Karande | Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Materials for Energy Applications. | The Use of Artificial Intelligence-Based Models for Biomedical Application | 9781003220176 |
13 | Dr. A. O. Mulani | Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Materials for Energy Applications | Painless Machine Leamning Approach to Estimate Blood Glucose Level with Non-Materials for Energy Invasive Devices. | 9781003220176 |
14 | Dr. A. O. Mulani | Cognitive Science and Technology book series | IoT-Based Environmental Parameter Monitoring Using Machine Learning Approach | 9781003220176 |
15 | Dr. A. O. Mulani | Machine Learning Algorithms for Signal and Image Processing | Design and Development of Chatbot Based on Reinforcement Learning | 978-981-19-2350-0 |
16 | Dr. A. O. Mulani | Computational Intelligence in Engineering Systems | - | 9781119861850 |
17 | Asst. Prof. A.D. Harale | Intelligent Computing in Engineering Systems. | Implementation of IoT based Digital Personal Medical Assistant | 9780735442269 |
18 | Mrs. Anjali C. Pise | SOUVENIR | - | NA |
Sr. No. | Name of Activity | DATE | Details of activity |
1 | Guest Lecture | 26/04/2024 | Recent Trends in IoT |
2 | Guest Lecture | 25/04/2024 | Lean Startup & Minimum Viable Product |
3 | Guest Lecture | 16/04/2024 | Design of Antenna |
4 | Guest Lecture | 10/4/2024 | Programmable Logic Controllers |
5 | VAP | 29/03/2024 | Soft Skill |
6 | Guest Lecture | 26/03/2024 | Application of Python |
7 | Workshop | 15/3/2024 | STM32 & RTOS |
8 | Workshop | 12/10/2023 | PCB Design |
9 | Workshop | 12/3/2023 | PCB Design |
10 | Guest Lecture | 30/11/2023 | Vehicular Network |
11 | VAP | 27/11/2023 | Python Programming |
12 | Workshop | 21/11/2023 | Developing Critical Thinking Skills with Python |
13 | Guest Lecture | 11/10/2023 | Home Security using IoT |
14 | Guest Lecture | 30/10/2023 | Fundamentals of Design of Fuzzy Logic |
15 | Workshop | 21/09/2023 | PCB designing |
16 | Workshop | 14/09/2023 | Fundamentals of Remote sensing and GIS technology |
17 | Guest Lecture | 9/3/2023 | Basics of Compiler |
18 | Guest Lecture | 8/9/2023 | Deep Learning & its applications |
19 | Guest Lecture | 8/9/2023 | AI & ML |
20 | Guest Lecture | 8/9/2023 | AI & ML |
21 | Guest Lecture | 7/11/2023 | Carrear opportunities through GATE |
22 | Guest Lecture | 24/5/2023 | Opportunities in Solar Technologies |
23 | Guest Lecture | 24/5/2023 | CMOS VLSI Design : A System Perspective |
24 | Workshop | 19/5/2023 | Sensor and Applications |
25 | Workshop | 5/6/2023 | Applications of Machine learning in Urban Studies |
26 | Workshop | 3/1/2023 | Peripheral Feature and Programming of PIC Microcontroller |
27 | VAP | 27/2/2023 | Quantitative AptitudeTraining |
28 | Guest Lecture | 24/2/2023 | GATE Preparation: Challenges and Opportunities |
29 | Seminar | 2/9/2023 | Data analytics & Big data |
30 | Guest Lecture | 2/9/2023 | Critical Analysis using Google Cloud Paltform |
31 | Guest Lecture | 10/3/2022 | Smart Automation, Arduino Microcontroller, SCADA-PLC, PCB Designand Solar Technology |
32 | Workshop | 6/4/2022 | Database Management |
33 | Guest Lecture | 26/4/2022 | Innovation & Opportunities in VLSI |
34 | Guest Lecture | 25/4/2022 | Manual and Autoamtion Software Testing |
35 | VAP | 18/4/2022 | Python |
36 | Webinar | 26/2/2022 | Problem Solving and Ideation Activity |
37 | Webinar | 15/1/2022 | Data Science and Its Applications |
38 | Webinar | 14/1/2022 | Full Stack Development, technology and Implementation |
39 | Guest Lecture | 22/10/2021 | Resume and Interview Preperation for Campus Drive |
40 | Webinar | 20/10/2021 | Bits of Computer Networking with Simulation |
41 | Webinar | 20/9/2021 | Big Data and Analysis |
42 | Guest Lecture | 9/9/2021 | Image Processing with MATLAB |
43 | Guest Lecture | 9/1/2021 | Design Validation through various models (Double Diamond Approach) |
44 | Conference | 25/06/2021 | ICCIES 2021 |
45 | Workshop | 2/11/2021 | PCB Design using EASYEDA |
46 | Workshop | 12/9/2020 | Python Programming |
47 | Guest Lecture | 19/8/2020 | PSU Opportunities thorough GATE |
48 | One Week Webinar Series | 15/7/2020 | Introduction to ATPG or BIST |
49 | One Week Webinar Series | 15/7/2020 | Recognize the components of IOT |
50 | One Week Webinar Series | 15/7/2020 | Introduction to VHDL &Finite state machine |
51 | One Week Webinar Series | 15/7/2020 | Automation based design using PLC and DCS,VFD |
52 | One Week Webinar Series | 14/7/2020 | Deep learning using MATLAB |
Sr. No. | Academic Year | Title of Project | Name of Guide | Type of Project |
1 | 2023-24 | Embedded System for Controlling Device Using Cloud Parameter | Mrs. A.C. Pise | Product Based |
2 | 2023-24 | Android app-based control & parameter update in cloud | Mr. S.R. Takale | Product Based |
3 | 2023-24 | Api Development for Cloud Parameter Curation | Mrs. S.K. Godase | Product Based |
4 | 2023-24 | Automatic Railway Horn System Using Node MCU | Mr. V.V. Godase | Application Based |
5 | 2023-24 | Pipeline survey Robot Using ESP 32 CAM | Mr. S.S. Gangonda | Product Based |
6 | 2022-23 | Smart Agriculture Automation Using ESP 8266 Node MCU. | Mr. V.V. Godase | Research Based |
7 | 2022-23 | Power Generation by Footsteps | Dr. G.B. Birajadar | Energy Based |
8 | 2022-23 | Wireless Hand Gesture Controlled Robot with Object Detection | Mr. A.D. Harale | Research Based |
9 | 2022-23 | IoT Based Landmine Detection Robot | Mrs. A.C. Pise | Application Based |
10 | 2021-22 | Automatic room light control using PIR Sensor | Mr. R.G. Ghodake | Product Based |
11 | 2021-22 | IOT Based Robot Car | Dr. A.O. Mulani | Product Based |
12 | 2021-22 | Bluetooth Controlled Home Automation | Mrs. A.C. Pise | Product Based |
13 | 2021-22 | Hand Gesture Controlled Robotic System | Mr. A.D. Harale | Research Based |
Sr. No. | Title of Project | Type of Project | Year |
1 | Embedded System for Controlling Device Using Cloud Parameter | Product Based | 2023-24 |
2 | Android app-based control & parameter update in cloud | Product Based | 2023-24 |
3 | Api Development for Cloud Parameter Curation | Product Based | 2023-24 |
4 | Automatic Railway Horn System Using Node MCU | Application Based | 2023-24 |
5 | Smart Agriculture Automation Using ESP 8266 Node MCU. | Research Based | 2022-23 |
6 | Power Generation by Footsteps | Energy Based | 2022-23 |
7 | Wireless Hand Gesture Controlled Robot with Object Detection | Research Based | 2022-23 |
8 | IoT Based Landmine Detection Robot | Application Based | 2022-23 |
9 | Automatic room light control using PIR Sensor | Product Based | 2021-22 |
10 | IOT Based Robot Car | Product Based | 2021-22 |
11 | Bluetooth Controlled Home Automation | Product Based | 2021-22 |
12 | Wireless Height Measurement | Product Based | 2020-21 |
13 | Design of IOT Based Water quality Analyzer for Chandrabhaga River at ghat locations in Pandharpur | Research Based | 2020-21 |
14 | Vehicle Movement Based Street Lights | Product Based | 2020-21 |
Academic Year | No. of Companies | No. of Students |
2023-24 | 48 | 138 |
2022-23 | 21 | 53 |
2021-22 | 12 | 116 |
2020-21 | 4 | 98 |
2019-20 | 18 | 125 |
Sr. No | Name of the Student | Batch / Passing Year | Name of the Compay | Duration in months/Weeks | Paid / Unpaid |
1 | Aiwale Vinayak | 2024 | LeadSoft IT Solutions | 3 Weeks | Unpaid |
2 | Bhong Tejas | 2024 | Oasis Infobyte | 4 Weeks | Unpaid |
3 | Bhujbal Pratiksha | 2024 | LeadSoft IT Solutions | 3 Weeks | Unpaid |
4 | Dethe Umesh | 2024 | QSpiders | 2 Weeks | Unpaid |
5 | Gandhi Paras | 2024 | Oasis Infobyte | 4 Weeks | Unpaid |
6 | Gavandhare Renuka | 2024 | LeadSoft IT Solutions | 3 Weeks | Unpaid |
7 | Gobe Pallavi | 2024 | LeadSoft IT Solutions | 3 Weeks | Unpaid |
8 | Godase Rohan | 2024 | Technohacks EduTech | 4 Weeks | Unpaid |
9 | Imade Varsha | 2024 | LeadSoft IT Solutions | 3 Weeks | Unpaid |
10 | Javir Minakshi | 2024 | LeadSoft IT Solutions | 3 Weeks | Unpaid |
11 | Kulkarni Prerna | 2024 | Oasis Infobyte | 4 Weeks | Unpaid |
12 | Kumbhar Sarita | 2024 | Oasis Infobyte | 4 Weeks | Unpaid |
13 | Lawande Akash | 2024 | Technohacks EduTech | 4 Weeks | Unpaid |
14 | Mane Kishor | 2024 | Oasis Infobyte | 4 Weeks | Unpaid |
15 | Mane Mahesh | 2024 | Code Alpha | 4 Weeks | Unpaid |
16 | Mulani Shabnam | 2024 | LeadSoft IT Solutions | 3 Weeks | Unpaid |
17 | Mulani Simran | 2024 | Oasis Infobyte | 4 Weeks | Unpaid |
18 | Nagane Ganesh | 2024 | LeadSoft IT Solutions | 3 Weeks | Unpaid |
19 | Nagane Sanket | 2024 | Technohacks EduTech | 4 Weeks | Unpaid |
20 | Nagtilak Aryan | 2024 | APT-TECH | 12 Weeks | Unpaid |
21 | Pawar Prashant | 2024 | Technohacks EduTech | 4 Weeks | Unpaid |
22 | Shinde Pallavi | 2024 | Oasis Infobyte | 4 Weeks | Unpaid |
23 | Ulegaddi Sneha | 2024 | APT-TECH | 12 Weeks | Unpaid |
24 | Wagaj Shruti | 2024 | LeadSoft IT Solutions | 3 Weeks | Unpaid |
25 | Adat Aditi | 2024 | APT-TECH | 12 Weeks | Unpaid |
26 | Andhale Tejaswini | 2024 | Kodacy | 2 Weeks | Unpaid |
27 | Badave Aasavari | 2024 | Kodacy | 2 Weeks | Unpaid |
28 | Badave Janhavi | 2024 | LeadSoft IT Solutions | 3 Weeks | Unpaid |
29 | Bairagi Monika | 2024 | Technohacks EduTech | 4 Weeks | Unpaid |
30 | Chaugule Rohan | 2024 | LeadSoft IT Solutions | 3 Weeks | Unpaid |
31 | Chavan Amruta | 2024 | LeadSoft IT Solutions | 3 Weeks | Unpaid |
32 | Dhope Vijaya | 2024 | LeadSoft IT Solutions | 3 Weeks | Unpaid |
33 | Ghadge Sakshi | 2024 | LeadSoft IT Solutions | 3 Weeks | Unpaid |
34 | Gore Vishal | 2024 | Lyriclious | 4 Weeks | Unpaid |
35 | Hadmode Namrata | 2024 | Technohacks EduTech | 4 Weeks | Unpaid |
36 | Jamdar Dnyaneshwari | 2024 | LeadSoft IT Solutions | 3 Weeks | Unpaid |
37 | Karande Tushar | 2024 | Oasis Infobyte | 4 Weeks | Unpaid |
38 | Karande Sarang | 2024 | Dnyanada Sustainable Engineering Solutions | 2 Weeks | Unpaid |
39 | Kedar Shital | 2024 | LeadSoft IT Solutions | 3 Weeks | Unpaid |
40 | More Sonali | 2024 | LeadSoft IT Solutions | 3 Weeks | Unpaid |
41 | Mote Sonali | 2024 | LeadSoft IT Solutions | 3 Weeks | Unpaid |
42 | Pawale Akanksha | 2024 | Kodacy | 2 Weeks | Unpaid |
43 | Pawar Prajkta | 2024 | LeadSoft IT Solutions | 3 Weeks | Unpaid |
44 | Sadigale Gayatri | 2024 | Diginique TechLabs | 6 Weeks | Unpaid |
45 | Shaikh Arman | 2024 | National Institute for Technical and Skill Development | 4 Weeks | Unpaid |
46 | Shinde Rushikesh | 2024 | Internshala | 8 Weeks | Unpaid |
47 | Shinde Samarth | 2024 | Emertxe IT Technology | 6 Weeks | Unpaid |
48 | Badave Abhishek | 2024 | Oasis Infobyte | 4 Weeks | Unpaid |
49 | Bagal Nikhil | 2024 | Oasis Infobyte | 4 Weeks | Unpaid |
50 | Dadas Jayesh | 2024 | Technohacks EduTech | 4 Weeks | Unpaid |
51 | Dange Dhanraj | 2024 | National Institute for Technical and Skill Development | 4 Weeks | Unpaid |
52 | Dhage Vishal | 2024 | Uniconverge Technology | 4 Weeks | Unpaid |
53 | Dhavad Kunal | 2024 | Technohacks EduTech | 4 Weeks | Unpaid |
54 | Godase Sachin | 2024 | Technohacks EduTech | 4 Weeks | Unpaid |
55 | Jadhav Yogesh | 2024 | National Institute for Technical and Skill Development | 4 Weeks | Unpaid |
56 | Kadam Ashok | 2024 | Dnyanada Sustainable Engineering Solutions | 2 Weeks | Unpaid |
57 | Kakade Vishal | 2024 | Skill Vertex | 4 Weeks | Unpaid |
58 | Kashid Pramod | 2024 | National Institute for Technical and Skill Development | 4 Weeks | Unpaid |
59 | Kirkire Sanskruti | 2024 | LeadSoft IT Solutions | 3 Weeks | Unpaid |
60 | Metkari Virendra | 2024 | National Institute for Technical and Skill Development | 4 Weeks | Unpaid |
61 | Mulani Farin | 2024 | Technohacks EduTech | 4 Weeks | Unpaid |
62 | Nagane Apeksha | 2024 | Technohacks EduTech | 4 Weeks | Unpaid |
63 | Pawar Pooja | 2024 | LeadSoft IT Solutions | 3 Weeks | Unpaid |
64 | Shinde Sakshi | 2024 | LeadSoft IT Solutions | 3 Weeks | Unpaid |
65 | Zambare Pruthviraj | 2024 | Technohacks EduTech | 4 Weeks | Unpaid |
66 | Devmare Vikram | 2024 | Oasis Infobyte | 4 Weeks | Unpaid |
67 | Menkudale Rasheshwari | 2024 | LeadSoft IT Solutions | 3 Weeks | Unpaid |
68 | Pise Tejaswini | 2024 | LeadSoft IT Solutions | 3 Weeks | Unpaid |
69 | Salunkhe Shubham | 2024 | Oasis Infobyte | 4 Weeks | Unpaid |
70 | Aiwale Vinayak | 2024 | Full Stack Java Developer, Pune | 4 Months | Unpaid |
71 | Bhong Tejas | 2024 | Dnyanada Sustainable Engineering Solutions Pvt. Ltd. | 6 Months | 8000 |
72 | Bhujbal Pratiksha | 2024 | Edu Versity | 6 Months | 25000 |
73 | Dethe Umesh | 2024 | Camline Security Solutions | 6 Months | Unpaid |
74 | Gandhi Paras | 2024 | Gucumole Services | 3 Months | Unpaid |
75 | Gavandhare | 2024 | Qspiders Academy | 6 Months | Unpaid |
76 | Gobe Pallavi | 2024 | Cyber Success, Pune | 4 Months | Unpaid |
77 | Godase Rohan | 2024 | Omegasoft, Pune | 4 Months | Unpaid |
78 | Imade Varsha | 2024 | NewAI Labs, Pune | 6 Months | Unpaid |
79 | Javir Minakshi | 2024 | QSpiders, Pune | 6 Months | Unpaid |
80 | Kulkarni Prerna | 2024 | QSpiders, Pune | 6 Months | Unpaid |
81 | Kumbhar Sarita | 2024 | Gamaka AI Institute | 6 Months | Unpaid |
82 | Lawande Akash | 2024 | GIC Controls | 6 Months | 13000 |
83 | Mane Kishor | 2024 | GIC Controls | 6 Months | 13000 |
84 | Mane Mahesh | 2024 | Pricol India Pvt. Ltd. | 6 Months | 19500 |
85 | Mulani Shabnam | 2024 | QSpiders, Pune | 4 Months | Unpaid |
86 | Mulani Simran | 2024 | QSpiders, Pune | 4 Months | Unpaid |
87 | Nagane Ganesh | 2024 | GIC Pvt. Ltd. | 6 Months | Unpaid |
88 | Nagane Sanket | 2024 | Kinematic Communication Ltd. | 6 Months | 16000 |
89 | Nagtilak Aryan | 2024 | Cyber Success, Pune | 6 Months | Unpaid |
90 | Pawar Prashant | 2024 | Kinematic Communication Ltd. | 6 Months | 16000 |
91 | Shinde Pallavi | 2024 | NewGen Software Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai | 6 Months | Unpaid |
92 | Ulegaddi Sneha | 2024 | QSpiders, Pune | 4 Months | Unpaid |
93 | Wagaj Shruti | 2024 | CSM Technology | 6 Months | Unpaid |
94 | Adat Aditi | 2024 | Gamaka AI Institute | 4 Months | Unpaid |
95 | Andhale Tejaswini | 2024 | The Kiran Academy | 4 Months | Unpaid |
96 | Badave Aasavari | 2024 | QSpiders, Pune | 4 Months | Unpaid |
97 | Badave Janhavi | 2024 | QSpiders, Pune | 4 Months | Unpaid |
98 | Bairagi Monika | 2024 | QSpiders, Pune | 6 Months | Unpaid |
99 | Chaugule Rohan | 2024 | Seven Mentor | 6 Months | Unpaid |
100 | Chavan Amruta | 2024 | In Yantra | 6 Months | 12000 |
101 | Dhope Vijaya | 2024 | In Yantra | 6 Months | 12000 |
102 | Ghadge Sakshi | 2024 | In Yantra | 6 Months | 12000 |
103 | Gore Vishal Dilip | 2024 | Creazone Softech | 6 Months | Unpaid |
104 | Hadmode Namrata | 2024 | In Yantra | 6 Months | 12000 |
105 | Jamdar Dnyaneshwari | 2024 | Gamaka AI Institute | 6 Months | Unpaid |
106 | Karande Tushar | 2024 | Versa Control Pvt. Ltd. | 6 Months | 15000 |
107 | Karande Sarang | 2024 | Codeneon Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Satara | 4 Months | Unpaid |
108 | Kedar Shital | 2024 | The Kiran Academy | 4 Months | Unpaid |
109 | More Sonali | 2024 | The Kiran Academy | 6 Months | Unpaid |
110 | Mote Sonali | 2024 | NewGen Software Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai | 6 Months | 20000 |
111 | Pawale Akanksha | 2024 | QSpiders, Pune | 4 Months | Unpaid |
112 | Pawar Prajkta | 2024 | In Yantra | 6 Months | 12000 |
113 | Sadigale Gayatri | 2024 | Cyber Success, Pune | 4 Months | Unpaid |
114 | Shaikh Arman | 2024 | Shourya Softtech Solution | 4 Months | Unpaid |
115 | Shinde Rushikesh | 2024 | Kinematic Communication Ltd. | 6 Months | 16000 |
116 | Shinde Samarth | 2024 | Curiosity Automation | 4 Months | Unpaid |
117 | Badave Abhishek | 2024 | Cyber Success, Pune | 4 Months | Unpaid |
118 | Bagal Nikhil | 2024 | Numetry Technology Pvt. Ltd., Pune | 6 Months | Unpaid |
119 | Dadas Jayesh | 2024 | Codeneon Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Satara | 4 Months | Unpaid |
120 | Dange Dhanraj | 2024 | NewAI Labs, Pune | 6 Months | 16000 |
121 | Dhage Vishal | 2024 | Kinematic Communication Ltd. | 6 Months | 16000 |
122 | Dhavad Kunal | 2024 | Seven Mentor | 6 Months | Unpaid |
123 | Godase Sachin | 2024 | Kinematic Communication Ltd. | 6 Months | 16000 |
124 | Jadhav Yogesh | 2024 | Codeneon Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Satara | 6 Months | Unpaid |
125 | Kadam Ashok | 2024 | Omegasoft, Pune | 6 Months | Unpaid |
126 | Kakade Vishal | 2024 | Omegasoft, Pune | 6 Months | Unpaid |
127 | Kashid Pramod | 2024 | QSpiders, Pune | 6 Months | Unpaid |
128 | Kirkire Sanskruti | 2024 | eSiCompute India Pvt. Ltd., Pune | 6 Months | Unpaid |
129 | Metkari Virendra | 2024 | Kinematic Communication Ltd. | 6 Months | 16000 |
130 | Mulani Farin | 2024 | HR Industry, Pune | 6 Months | Unpaid |
131 | Nagane Apeksha | 2024 | DEC Pvt. Ltd. | 6 Months | Unpaid |
132 | Pawar Pooja | 2024 | The Kiran Academy | 6 Months | Unpaid |
133 | Shinde Sakshi | 2024 | Girij Tech Hub | 6 Months | Unpaid |
134 | Zambare Pruthviraj | 2024 | Creazione Software | 6 Months | Unpaid |
135 | Devmare Vikram | 2024 | Cyber Success, Pune | 6 Months | Unpaid |
136 | Menkudale Rasheshwari | 2024 | Codeneon Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Satara | 6 Months | Unpaid |
137 | Pise Tejaswini | 2024 | Qualitykiosk | 6 Months | 15000 |
138 | Salunkhe Shubham | 2024 | Ocatonate | 6 Months | Unpaid |
Sr. No. | Semester | Class | Name of company visited | No. of students visited | Date | Academic Year |
1 | II | SY & TY | Spartan Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Machnur, Tal-Mangalwedha, Dist-Solapur | 100 | 28/3/2024 | 2023-24 |
2 | II | SY & TY | Chaitanya Milk and Milk Products, Pandharpur | 100 | 28/3/2024 | 2023-24 |
3 | II | TY | Perfect Electronics, Wai, Satara | 22 | 14/1/2023 | 2022-23 |
4 | II | B.Tech | Southern Power Distribution Company of Telangana Limited, Hyderabad | 28 | 8/1/2023 | 2022-23 |
5 | II | SY | Perfect Electronics, Wai, Satara | 22 | 20/2/2020 | 2019-20 |
6 | I | TY | Jakraya Sugar Industry Ltd., Mangalwedha, Dist-Solapur | 22 | 14/9/2019 | 2019-20 |
Sr. No. | Name Organisation | Outcomes of MoU | Date of MoU Signed | Period of MoU (Years) |
1 | Tech Mantra,Vijayapura, Karnataka | • Providing adequate PCB Design using Autodesk Fusion software as training & placement assistance | 10 January 2023 | 3 |
2 | Melux Control Gears Private Limited,Pune | Industrial training/internship,Industrial visit, Guest lectures and workshops at our institute. LED drivers boards to demonstrate the industrial applications. | 28 May 2023 | 5 |
3 | Maven Silicon Softech Private Limited | Webinar on VLSI design process starting from digital design, hardware descriptive languages, RTL, synthesis & simulation, verification, FPGA programming & implementation. | 13 August 2021 | 3 |
4 | Infinite Global Research Conference Pvt Ltd,Pune | International confernece on Intelligent upgrading in Electronics(ICUIE)-2022 arranged by GRCF and SKNSCOE. | 06 July 2021 | 5 |
5 | Bentham Science | Copyright Letter, along with the Books Publication | 06 October 2022 | 1 |
6 | International Journal of Information Technology(BJIT),Springer India | Providing a platform for exchange of experiences and work to get innovative ideas. | 05 May 2021 | 3 |
7 | AIP Publishing, USA | High quality research work jointly. | 09 April 2021 | 1 |
8 | CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, UK | High quality research work jointly. Provide academic assistance for the International Conferences. | 25 May 2021 | 1 |
9 | CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group | Books Publication | 11 January 2021 | 1 |
10 | University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka | Provide academic assistance for the International Conferences. Publish high quality research work jointly. Provide academic assistance also. | 26 November 2020 | 1 |
11 | Kyushu Sangyo University, Japan | Provide academic assistance for the International Conferences. To publish high quality research work jointly. | 24 November 2020 | 1 |
12 | University of Agder, Norway | Provide academic assistance for the International Conferences. High quality research work jointly. Publish collaboratively Edited Books and/or Conference Proceedings. | 02 November 2020 | 1 |
13 | Zagazig Univerity, Zagazig, Egypt | To promote academics, research and scientific technology and related areas in the field of science and technology. To exchange of faculty members and students subject to requirements. Participation in conferences, seminars, webinars, etc (Ofline/Online). To exchange of academic materials and other information, provision of consulting services. | 08 January 2020 | 5 |
14 | Perfect Electronics | • Company has concentrated to manufacture the latest educational products such as auto lecture bell system, electrical and electronics experimental boards using double sided (PTH) PCBs for the department of physics, electronics and computer science. | 21 February 2020 | 2 |
Sr. No. | Academic Year | Title of the Invention | Published Date | Application Number | Status |
1 | 2021-22 | Multimode Image Fusion Technique For Automated Correlation Identification In Medical Images | 3/11/2021 | AU 2021105871 A4 | Granted |
2 | 2021-22 | Method And Device For Monitoring Feed Dispense In A Poultry House | 18/03/2022 | 202221010527 A | Granted |
3 | 2021-22 | Solar Steam Based Hot Drinks Vending Machine | 1/4/2022 | 202221009240 A | FER Submitted |
4 | 2021-22 | Biobot System To Assist Covid Patients And Caretakers | 1/4/2022 | 202221009287 A | FER Submitted |
5 | 2021-22 | Affordable And Portable Cook Stove For Burning Multisized Biomass | 21/02/2022 | 202221000000 | Granted |
6 | 2021-22 | IoT-Ble Based Predictive Farming, Monitoring System Using Raspberry Pi And TI Sensor Tag | 13/05/2022 | 202224000000 | FER Submitted |
7 | 2022-23 | Compression And Lag Screw Of DHS Assesmbly For Osteoporotic Bone To Aviod Cement Augumentation | 16/06/2023 | 381518-001 | Design Patent Granted |
8 | 2022-23 | Smart Plastic Waste Management Machine | 15/06/2023 | 6288182 | Patent Granted |
9 | 2023-24 | IoT Based Landmine Detection Robot | 29/09/2023 | 202321000000 | Waiting for FER reply |
10 | 2023-24 | Wireless Hand Gesture Control Robot With Object Detection | 29/09/2023 | 202321000000 | Waiting for FER reply |
11 | 2023-24 | Automation in Gardening With Smart Water Supply | 29/09/2023 | 202321000000 | Waiting for FER reply |
12 | 2023-24 | Vehicle Ad-Hoc Networks Routing Device | 20/03/2024 | 402938-001 | Design Patent Granted |
13 | 2023-24 | Alidade With Multi-Applications | 12/3/2024 | 405314-001 | Waiting for FER reply |
Sr. No. | A.Y. | Copyright Filed by | Copyright Reg. of | Title of Copyright | Date of Filing | Copyright Registered |
1 | 2022-23 | Dr. A. O. Mulani | Literary/ Dramatic | Deep Learning Based Dermatological Disease Detection | 17/02/2023 | Registered |
2 | 2022-23 | Prof. V. V. Godase | Literary/ Dramatic | Prediction Of Burr Formation In The End Micro Milling Polymethyl Methacrylate(PMMA) And Polycarbonate(Pc) Substrates Using Convolutional Neural Network(CNN) | 17/02/2023 | Registered |
3 | 2023-24 | Prof. V. V. Godase | Literary/ Dramatic | Diet Prediction and Feature Importance of Gut Microbiomeusing Machine Learning | 2/5/2024 | Registered |
4 | 2023-24 | Prof. S. R. Takale | Literary/ Dramatic | Video watermarking System | 2/5/2024 | Registered |
5 | 2023-24 | /Prof. A. S. Mali | Literary/ Dramatic | Gestures Controlled Home Automation using Deep Learning” | 2/5/2024 | Registered |
6 | 2023-24 | Prof. R.G. Ghodake | Literary/ Dramatic | Smart Energy Measurement System | 3/5/2024 | Registered |
7 | 2023-24 | Prof. A. C. Pise | Literary/ Dramatic | IoT Based Tracker and Controller for Parking System. | 7/5/2024 | Registered |
Sr. No. | Course Name | Download File | Feedback |
1 | Innovation in teaching learning in Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design | ![]() |
Feedback |
2 | Innovative Teaching and Learning in Control System Crossword | ![]() |
Feedback |
3 | Innovative Teaching and Learning in Electronic System Design | ![]() |
Feedback |
4 | Innovative Teaching and Learning in Control System | ![]() |
Feedback |
SKN Sinhgad College of Engineering organized a one-day national level technical event for diploma and undergraduate degree students. The Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering at the SKN Sinhgad College of Engineering facilitated this technical awareness in engineering and technology for the engineering students. The students participated in various technical events of “SPECTRUM”. In SPECTRUM, various events were organized such as Technical Poster Presentation, Quiz Competition, Circuit Sudoku, and Microcontroller Programming. A large number of students participated in this national-level event from various engineering colleges. The main objective of this event was to provide a platform for students to explore their skills and knowledge and share it with other students.
SKN Sinhgad College of Engineering Korti, Pandharpur (SKNSCOE) with Institutions Innovation Council (IIC) organises WEENGS (Project Exhibition) for diploma and engineering students. Huge numbers of students were participated in this national level event from various engineering colleges. The main objective of this event was to provide the platform and show the potential of the student by presenting their innovative projects developed in the final and third year.
The institute provides has incurred SE PPT Presentation session in the regular time table. The staff from E&TC department guides the students to prepare the quality PPT Presentation with appropriate slide layouts. The institute provides the LCD projectors and other facilities to conduct PPT Presentation of students. The panel of judges, staff members give valuable suggestions to the students and evaluate their presentation by giving marks which are considered while calculating the term work of students.
Activity-based learning is an instructional approach that emphasizes learning through active participation of students rather than passive learning through GD activity.The goal of a group discussion is to arrive at a collective decision or solution that is acceptable to all members of the group. A group discussion is a collaborative communication process involving a group of students who engage in an interactive conversation to explore, analyze, or address a specific topic, issue etc.
The Event Virtual Campus is organized under ETELSA every year by department of Electronics & Telecommunication engineering. It includes multiple rounds like Aptitude, GD & Technical + HR Interviews. All the rounds are conducted by industrial experts. First day Aptitude test is conducted. Shortlisted students are allowed for Group Discussion. GD shortlisted students appear for Interviews. Winners of each round and overall well performed participants are awarded by medal, cash prize and appreciation certificates. Virtual campus events serve various purposes, aiming to achieve specific objectives tailored to the needs of the educational institution and its stakeholders.