The Department of Civil Engineering, at SKN Sinhgad College of Engineering Established in the year 2010. The department offers a B. Tech degree in Civil Engineering (UG Course) with an Honors Degree in Infrastructure Engineering, M. Tech degree in Civil Structural Engineering at postgraduate (PG) level and Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering at Post PG level.
The Department is known for its state-of-the-art infrastructure, qualified and experienced faculty having expertise in diverse fields, and excellence in Industry Institute Interaction. The department has an excellent infrastructural facility which consists of about 11 Laboratories. Department have two sponsored laboratories sponsored by SIKA industries limited, and AUTODESK sponsored laboratory supported by Tech Mantra. The class rooms are equipped with ICT tools and Wi-Fi facilities are available in the department. The department has excellent computing facility with advanced software such as AutoCAD, STAAD.Pro, ETABS, REVIT.
Besides high-quality teaching at both UG and PG levels, the Department is actively involved in providing high-quality technical advisory support through various sponsored projects and consultancy to various organizations
The department has signed MOUs with reputed organizations Like MITCON consultancy and Engineering services Pune, Indovance Private Limited Pune, Kaizen CADD training centre, DBK Consultant (CAD DESK) Balaji Nagar, Pune, Tech Mantra, Swarup construction and developers Pvt. Ltd. for providing students training, internship and placements.
The department has Indian Geotechnical Society (IGS) India Students Chapter, Civil Engineering Students Association (CESA) provides a platform for students to show their talents and also encourages them to enhance Self-esteem, team spirit and ethics through organising various events like field visits, technical competitions, arrangement of workshop, guest lectures, etc. Mini-project work undertaken by students has improved their problem-solving skills. In order to interact with the parents, a parent meet is organised regularly in which the progress of the students and departmental activities are discussed. The department has started a mentoring scheme called as Teacher Guardian (TG) in which every student meets their mentor faculty (TG teacher) every week to discuss issues related to academic, co-curricular, and other career opportunities.
For the research and development activities students are effectively using the major equipment like universal testing machine (UTM), compression testing machine (CTM), direct shear box test, unconfined compression test, concrete tilting mixer, concrete vibrating table, Total Station, etc. Department has additional facilities such as digital rebound hammer, ultrasonic pulse velocity equipment for NDT, GPS, etc.
We encourage our students for participating in the National level events like Spectrum, WEENGS, etc. Students are participating in project exhibition at University and State Level “Avishkar”.
Department received grants from AICTE, PAHSUS as mentioned below; Seed Money for Research from Punyashlok Ahilyadevi Holkar Solapur University, Solapur for the project entitled “Performance evaluation of porous concrete using supplementary cementitious materials for improvement of mechanical properties” for the year 2023-24 received a grant of Rs. 70000/- Research grant from AICTE for Mission Amrit Sarovar-Jal Dharohar Sanrakshan for the year 2022-23 received a grant Rs. 200000/-
Seed Money for Research from Punyashlok Ahilyadevi Holkar Solapur University, for Design of IOT based Water Quality Analyzer for Chandrabhaga River at ghat locations in Pandharpur for year 2021-22, received a grant of Rs. 80000/-
Department have strong alumni bond which helps the students to provide training, expert lecture in emerging fields which provides placement opportunities. The department has revealed a great deal of industry goodwill owing to its continuous interaction with industry for mutual sharing of the academic-industry experiences. Several of the graduates who have passed out as Civil engineer are occupying responsible positions in various Engineering Industries, Government & Semi Government Organizations and pursuing higher studies in the premier educational institutes in and outside India.
Committed to carve proficient civil engineers for providing substantial input to cater basic needs of different stratums of society.
Engineering Graduate will be able to:
Sr. No. | Name of Faculty | Designation | Qualification | Experience In Yrs. |
1 | Dr. Kadam Shriganesh Shantikumar | HOD & Associate Professor | Ph.D.(Civil Engg.), M.Tech.(Structures) | 21 Years |
2 | Dr. Pise Chetan Pitambar | Professor, Dean R&D | Ph. D. (Civil Engg.), M.E. (Civil-Hydraulics) | 23 Years |
3 | Dr. Pawar Yashwant Prabhakar | Assistant Professor | Ph. D. (Civil Engg.), M.Tech.(Structures) | 24 Years |
4 | Dr. Jagdale Satyavan Dagadu | Assistant Professor | Ph.D.(Civil Engg.) M.Tech. (Hydraulics) | 15 Year |
5 | Mr. Deshmukh Chandrakant Mahadeo | Assistant Professor | M.E.(Civil-Environment), Ph.D. Pursuing | 29 Years |
6 | Mr. Lakade Ganesh Dhareshwar | Assistant Professor | M.E.(Civil-Structural Engg.), Ph.D. Pursuing | 12 Years |
7 | Mr. Kamble Amol Ashok | Assistant Professor | M.Tech. (Structures), Ph.D. Pursuing | 10 Years |
8 | Mr. Karande Ajit Vilas | Assistant Professor | M.E. (Civil-Structural Engg.) | 6 Years |
9 | Mr. Patil Shekhar Ramchandra | Assistant Professor | M.E. (Structures), Ph.D. Pursuing | 5 Years |
10 | Mr. Ghadge Sachin Arun | Assistant Professor | M.Tech. (Construction Technology & Management) | 4 Years |
11 | Mr. Bidkar Omkar Shirish | Assistant Professor | M.Tech.(Transportation Engineering & Planning) | 3.5 Years |
12 | Ms. Khan Nikhat Samasher | Assistant Professor | M.Tech. (Structures) | 3 Years |
13 | Mr. Rathod Sujit Govind | Assistant Professor | M. Tech (Geotechnical Engg.) | 3 Years |
14 | Mr. Tondase Milind Vishnu | Assistant Professor | M.Tech. (Structures) | 2.2 Years |
15 | Mr. Pawar Siddhesh Balu | Assistant Professor | M. Tech. (Structures) | 2 Years |
Sr. No | Name | Qualification | Designation |
1 | Mr. Balaso Shende | Diploma in Construction Supervisor | Lab Assistant |
2 | Mr. Amit Karande | M.A. (Sociology), ITI Building Maintenance | Lab Assistant |
3 | Ms. Kavita Patil | B.Com, Building Maintenance Course | Lab Assistant |
4 | Ms. Kavita Adlinge | Diploma in Computer Engineering | Technical Assistant |
This lab consists of different experimental kits which are related to study the material strengths. The different test conducted in lab are:
In this lab different parameters for concrete making are checked.like Evaluation of Physical properties of concrete ingredients.
In this lab different parameters for Soil are checked.like Index properties determination of soil Shear strength and permeability determination of soil Bearing capacity determination of soil Soil investigation and testing
Major events/ assignments conducted in laboratory Hand on experience of civil engineering softwares
Major tests conducted in laboratory Testing the quality of drinking water and domestic waste water.
Following tests are conducted in laboratory Study of fluid pressure and it’s measurement Calibration of orifice, mouthpiece and venturimeter calibration Study of flow though pipes and open channels.
Following experiments are conducted in laboratory Application of Total Station for contouring, line out, profile leveling, etc.Permanent adjustment of surveying instruments such as Dumpy Level, Auto Level, Theodolite etc.
Geologicalparameters related to engineering are studied in this lab like Study of basic properties of various minerals using available specimens in laboratory Study of Geological features such as Deep, Strike, Fault etc.
Basic engineering principlea are verified in this lab like Law of parallelogram and polygon of forces Finding support reactions of beams Study of centrifugal force Verification of Lami's Theorem, etc.
Floolowing tests are conducted in laboratory Determination of various properties of aggregates like Impact, of subgrade for road and railway works Marshal Stability Test of tar/bitumen
Introduction of Chaining, Ranging & Off Setting, Study of Prismatic Compass, Observation of Bearing & Measurement of included angle, study of Dumpy level, Reduction of level
Sr. No. | Year | Name of staff | Credentials |
1 | 2023-24 | Dr. C. P. Pise |
2 | 2023-24 | Dr. S. S. Kadam |
3 | 2023-24 | Dr. S. S. Kadam |
4 | 2023-24 | Prof. G.D. Lakade |
5 | 2023-24 | Prof. A. A. Kamble |
6 | 2023-24 | Dr. Y. P. Pawar |
7 | 2021-22 | Dr. C. P. Pise |
8 | 2021-22 | Dr. C. P. Pise |
9 | 2021-22 | Dr. S. S. Kadam |
10 | 2021-22 | Dr. S. S. Kadam |
11 | 2020-21 | Dr. S. S. Kadam |
Sr.No | Name of Student | University | Country |
1 | Mr. Anket Dhere | Torr Vergeta University Of Rome | Italy |
2 | Mr. Gunjan Karade | Torr Vergeta University Of Rome | Italy |
Academic Year |
Class |
Name of Student |
University Rank |
BE |
10 |
2 |
BE |
10 |
4 |
BE |
10 |
5 |
BE |
10 |
6 |
BE |
10 |
7 |
BE |
10 |
8 |
SE |
10 |
10 |
BE |
9.86 |
5 |
BE |
9.76 |
10 |
Sr. No. | Name of students | Organizing Institute | Academic Year | Event Title | Achievement | ||||
1 | Londhe Yash | FABTECH TECHNICAL CAMPUS | 2023-24 | TECHNOFAB 23 | Runner | ||||
2 | Sangolkar Sumitra | IISc Banglore | 2023-24 | GATE 2024 | Qualified | ||||
3 | Nalwade Saurabh | IISc Banglore | 2023-24 | GATE 2024 | Qualified | ||||
4 | Dhokate Swarup | IISc Banglore | 2023-24 | GATE 2024 | Qualified | ||||
5 | Chavan Priyanka | IIT Kanpur | 2022-23 | GATE 2023 | Qualified | ||||
6 | Dhokate Swarup | IIT Kanpur | 2022-23 | GATE 2023 | Qualified | ||||
7 | Snehal Ramesh Bhakare | NIT Rourkela | 2021-22 | Conflict with Contradict | Appreciation | ||||
8 | Ganesh Nanaware | L&T Construction | 2021-22 | Poster Competition in Quality Month Celebration -2021 | Winner | ||||
9 | Dhanawade Rahul Balasaheb | IIT Kharagpur | 2021-22 | GATE 2022 | Qualified | ||||
10 | Chandanshive Jiganu | IIT Kharagpur | 2021-22 | GATE 2022 | Qualified | ||||
11 | Gavandhare Dipali Arjun | IIT Kharagpur | 2021-22 | GATE 2022 | Qualified | ||||
12 | Kamble Mayur Subhash | IIT Kharagpur | 2021-22 | GATE 2022 | Qualified | ||||
13 | Khune Sarika Mohan | IIT Kharagpur | 2021-22 | GATE 2022 | Qualified | ||||
14 | Snehal Bhakare | PAHSUS | 2020-21 | Srujanrang | Runner | ||||
15 | Snehal Bhakare | PAHSUS | 2020-21 | Srujanrang | Winner | ||||
16 | Gauri Mangrule | PAHSUS | 2020-21 | Srujanrang | Third Place | ||||
17 | Snehal Bhakare | PAHSUS | 2020-21 | Srujanrang | Third Place | ||||
18 | Dhanawade Rahul Balasaheb | IIT Bombay | 2020-21 | GATE 2021 | Qualified | ||||
19 | Kale Vaibhav | IIT Bombay | 2020-21 | GATE 2021 | Qualified |
Sr. No. | Faculty Name | Papers in peer reviewed journals | Papers in International / National Conference | Books Publised | International Book with ISBN No. | Citation | h- Index |
1 | Dr. S. S. Kadam | 61 | 7 | 2 | 2 | 159 | 8 |
2 | Dr. C. P. Pise | 83 | 12 | 4 | 4 | 203 | 9 |
3 | Dr. Y. P. Pawar | 56 | 9 | 1 | 1 | 118 | 7 |
4 | Dr. S. D. Jagdale | 4 | 8 | 1 | 1 | 95 | 1 |
5 | Mr. C. M. Deshmukh | 32 | 6 | 1 | 1 | 115 | 7 |
6 | Mr. G. D. Lakade | 6 | 5 | 1 | 1 | 19 | 3 |
7 | Mr. A. A. Kamble | 3 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |
8 | Mr. A. V. karande | 1 | - | - | - | - | 2 |
9 | Mr. S. R. Patil | 2 | - | - | - | - | - |
10 | Ms. N. S. Khan | 1 | - | 1 | 1 | - | - |
11 | Mr. M. V. Tondase | 1 | - | 1 | 1 | - | - |
12 | Mr. S. B. Pawar | 6 | 1 | - | - | 1 | - |
13 | Mr. O. S. Bidkar | 7 | - | - | - | 3 | - |
Sr. No. | Author Name | Title of Paper | Name of journal | Year of Publication | ISSN number |
1 | Dr. S.S.Kadam | Experimental study of partial replacement of fine aggregate and cement with poly ethelene terepthalate and GGBS in concrete | Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research | 2023-24 | ISSN 2349-5162 |
2 | Dr. S.S.Kadam | A Review on partial replacement of cement by GGBS and fine aggregate by PET fibre | International Research journal of modernization in engineering Technology and Science | 2023-24 | ISSN 2582-5208 |
3 | Dr. S.S.Kadam | Investigation of partial replacement of fine aggregate and cement with Polyethylene Terepthalate and GGBS in concrete through experimentation | International Journal of Advance and Applied Research | 2023-24 | ISSN 2347 - 7075 |
4 | Dr. S.S.Kadam | Seiesmic Performance of Strengthening Measures for Open Ground Strorey Buildings | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research | 2023-24 | ISSN 0973-4562 |
5 | Dr.C.P.Pise | Seismic Analysis of RC Frame Structure Having Vertical Geometric Irregularity for Various Structural System | Strad Research | 2023-24 | ISSN 0039-2049 |
6 | Dr. C. P. Pise | Review of Performance Evaluation of High Performance Concrete using GGBS, Alccofine & Fly Ash for durability and strength aspect | International Journal of Advance and Applied Research | 2023-24 | ISSN 2347-7075 |
7 | Dr. Y.P.Pawar | To investigate properties of self-compacting concrete with inclusion of fibres | Indian Journal of Technical Education | 2023-24 | ISSN 0971-3034 |
8 | Dr. Y.P.Pawar | To evaluate seismic performance of RCC building with floating column with and without infill wall | Strad Research | 2023-24 | ISSN 0039-2049 |
9 | Dr. Y.P.Pawar | Comparative Analysis and Design of Flat Slab and Grid Slab with Conventional Slab System | Strad Research | 2023-24 | ISSN 0039-2049 |
10 | Mr. C M Deshmukh | Enhance the strength of concrete using quarry dust and fly ash | Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering | 2023-24 | ISSN 0970-2555 |
11 | Mr. G. D. Lakade | A review on performance evaluation of Geopolymer concrete | International Journal of Advance and Applied Research | 2023-24 | ISSN 2347 - 7075 |
12 | Mr. A. A. Kamble | Performance evaluation of High performance concrete using GGBS, Alccofine and flyash for durability and strength aspects | Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering | 2023-24 | ISSN 0970-2555 |
13 | Mr. O. S. Bidkar | Empirical Modelling of experiential data by replacement and addidtion of fibres and fly ash in self compacting concrete | Strad Research | 2023-24 | ISSN 0039-2049 |
14 | Mr. S. B. Pawar | Self-Compacting Concrete with inclusion of Fibre: A Comprehensive Investigation | European Chemical Bulletin. | 2023-24 | ISSN 2063-5346 |
15 | Dr.S.S.Kadam | Design And Analysis of Prestressed Precast Concrete Pavement Panel | International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology | 2022-23 | ISSN 2347-6710 |
16 | Dr.S.S.Kadam | Design optimization of bay spacing of steel foot over bridge | International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science | 2022-23 | ISSN 2582-5208 |
17 | Dr.S.S.Kadam | Design And Analysis of Prestressed Precast Concrete Pavement Panel | International Journal for Scientific Research and Advance Research in Technology | 2022-23 | ISSN 2395-1052 |
18 | Dr.C.P.Pise | A review on seismic analysis of RC frame structure having vertical geometric irregularity for various structural systems | International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science | 2022-23 | ISSN 2582-5208 |
19 | Dr.C.P.Pise | Optimum outrigger location in high-rise buildings for enhanced lateral stiffness under wind loads: a literature review | International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science | 2022-23 | ISSN 2582-5208 |
20 | Dr. Y.P.Pawar | A review on comparative analysis and design of flat slab and grid slab with conventional slab system | International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science | 2022-23 | ISSN 2582-5208 |
21 | Dr. Y.P.Pawar | Empirical Modelling of Experimental Data by replacement and addition of Fibers and Fly-Ash in Self-Compacting Concrete | MOENIA JOURNAL | 2022-23 | ISSN 1137-2346 |
22 | Dr. Y.P.Pawar | To evaluate seismic performance of RCC building with floating column with and without infill wall | International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science | 2022-23 | ISSN 2582-5208 |
23 | Mr. C M Deshmukh | Application of Fabricated Sequencing Batch Reactor and Biofilm Sequencing Batch Reactor to Treat Dairy Wastewater | Indian Journal of Environmental Protection | 2022-23 | ISSN 0253–7141 |
24 | Mr.O.S.Bidkar | Study on the Effect of Waste Water on the Physical Properties of Cement and Concrete at Fresh Stage | ESP Journal of Engineering & Technology Advancements | 2022-23 | ISSN 2583-2646 |
25 | Mr.O.S.Bidkar | Effect of Construction Work Zone on Rear-End Conflicts by Vehicle Type under Heterogeneous Traffic Conditions | Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems | 2022-23 | ISSN 2473-2893 |
26 | Mr. S. B. Pawar | A review of Fly ash based Fiber Reinforced Self compacting Concrete- a way of sustainable development | Indian Journal of Technical Education | 2022-23 | ISSN 0971-3034 |
27 | Mr. S. B. Pawar | A review on self-compacting concrete | International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science | 2022-23 | ISSN 2582-5208 |
28 | Dr.S.S.Kadam | To Study Effect of Bond Strength with Provided Effective Development Length in Concrete Structure: Review | International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology | 2021-22 | ISSN 2278-0181 |
29 | Dr. C.P.Pise | Evolution of Sesmic Behaviour of high rise structure with intersecting Members | International Journal for Scientific Research and Advance Research in Technology | 2021-22 | ISSN 2319-1052 |
30 | Dr. C.P.Pise | A Review of Evolution of Sesmic Behaviour of high rise structure with inclined intersecting Members | International Journal for science reserch & development | 2021-22 | ISSN 2321-0613 |
31 | Dr. Y.P.Pawar | Performance analysis of steel concrete composite section | International Journal for Scientific Research and Advance Research in Technology | 2021-22 | ISSN 2395-1052 |
32 | Dr. Y.P.Pawar | Review Paper on to Investigate Behavior of Piles in Soil Liquefaction Condition | International Journal for Scientific Research and Advance Research in Technology | 2021-22 | ISSN 2395-1052 |
33 | Dr. Y.P.Pawar | Effect of Pile Stiffness with Varying Diameter of Piles on Structure in Various Zones of Seismicity | International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology | 2021-22 | ISSN 2395-0056 |
34 | Dr. S. S. Kadam | Analytical study of the rice hush ash and steel fibre as partial replacement of cement and its effect on strength of concrete | International Journal for Scientific Research and Development | 2020-21 | ISSN 2321-0613 |
35 | Dr. S. S. Kadam | Effect of recycled aggregate on standard concrete incorporating micro-silica | International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology | 2020-21 | ISSN 2319-8753 |
36 | Dr. S. S. Kadam | Validation by Regression Technique for Compressive Strength and Flexure Strength of Concrete | International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology | 2020-21 | ISSN 2319-8753 |
37 | Dr. S. S. Kadam | Effect of Web Inclination on Box Girder Bridges | International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering Page | 2020-21 | ISSN 2278-3075 |
38 | Dr. S. S. Kadam | Effect of pile stiffnes with varying diameter of piles on structure in various zones of seismicity | International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology | 2020-21 | ISSN 2278-0181 |
39 | Dr.S.S.Kadam | To Study Effect of Bond Strength with Provided Effective Development Length in Concrete Structure: Review | International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology | 2020-21 | ISSN 2278-0181 |
40 | Dr.S.S.Kadam | Performance Evaluation of RCC Retaining Wall Under Dynamic Forces With Soil Structure Interaction | International Journal for Scientific Research and Advance Research in Technology | 2020-21 | ISSN 2395-1052 |
41 | Dr. S. S. Kadam | Experimental study on flexural behaviour of concrete filled steel tube beam | International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology | 2020-21 | ISSN 2278-0181 |
42 | Dr.S.S.Kadam | Effect of Shear Span on RCC Beam Subjected To Bending And Shear | International Journal for Scientific Research and Advance Research in Technology | 2020-21 | ISSN 2395-1052 |
43 | Dr. C. P. Pise | Effect of Different Soil Condition on Foundation Design of Tall Building | International Journal for Scientific Research and Advance Research in Technology | 2020-21 | ISSN 2321-0613 |
44 | Dr.C.P.Pise | Using Time History analysis of Vierendeel girder | International Journal for Scientific Research and Advance Research in Technology | 2020-21 | ISSN 2395-1052 |
45 | Dr.C.P.Pise | A Review of Seismic Behaviour for High Rise Structure with Inclined Intersecting Members | International Journal for Scientific Research and Advance Research in Technology | 2020-21 | ISSN 2321-0613 |
46 | Dr. Y.P.Pawar | Seismic Performance of Multistoried Building with Diaphragm Discontinuity | International Journal for Scientific Research and Development | 2020-21 | ISSN 2321-0613 |
Sr. No. | Author Name | Name of Book | National / International | Year of Publication | ISBN Number | Name of the Publisher |
1 | Dr. S. S. Kadam | Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete | International | 2017-18 | 978-1-365-85710-2 | Lulu Press, Inc. |
2 | Dr. S. S. Kadam | Mixed Fibre Reinforced Concrete Deep Beam in Shear | International | 2017-18 | 978-1-365-85196-4 | Lulu Press, Inc. |
3 | Dr. C. P. Pise | Performance of RC Building Under Dynamic Forces and Suitability of Strengthening by FRP Jacketing | International | 2017-18 | 978-1-365-61278-7 | Lulu Press, Inc. |
4 | Dr. C. P. Pise | Analysis Composite Bridge Girders | International | 2017-18 | 978-1-365-85716-4 | Lulu Press, Inc. |
5 | Dr. C. P. Pise | Seismic Analysis of RCC Building With Soft Story | International | 2017-18 | 978-1-365-85195-7 | Lulu Press, Inc. |
6 | Dr. C. P. Pise | Evaluation of Bearing Capacity using Plate Load Test | International | 2022-23 | 978-620-6-15774-8 | Lambert Academic Publishing |
7 | Dr. Y. P. Pawar | Retrofitting of RCC Water Tank | International | 2017-18 | 978-1-365-85187-2 | Lulu Press, Inc. |
8 | Mr. C. M. Deshmukh | Analysis Composite Bridge Girders | International | 2017-18 | 978-1-365-85716-4 | Lulu Press, Inc. |
9 | Mr. G. D. Lakade | RC Building Under Dynamic Forces and Suitability of FRP Strengthening | International | 2023-24 | 978-620-7-45549-2 | Lambert Academic Publishing |
10 | Ms. N. S. Khan | Timber steel composite beam for framed structure | International | 2022-23 | 978-6206155706 | Lambert Academic Publishing |
11 | Mr. A. A. Kamble | Application of Spectral Element Method for Beams and Plates | International | 2022-23 | 978-620-6-15481-5 | Lambert Academic Publishing |
12 | Mr. M. V. Tondase | Behavior of Square Concrete Column Confined with CFRP sheet | International | 2022-23 | 978-620-6-15714-4 | Lambert Academic Publishing |
13 | Dr. S. D. Jagdale | Building Materials and Techniques | International | 2023-24 | 978-93-6175-658-0 | AQUA Publications |
Sr. No. | Academic Year | Category | Title | Funding Agency |
1 | 2023-24 | Workshop | Workshop on GIS, GPS and Remote Sensing | Department |
2 | 2023-24 | Guest Lecture | Advancements in Building Construction Practices | Department |
3 | 2023-24 | Guest Lecture | Awareness about Civil Engineering for competitive examinations | Department |
4 | 2023-24 | Guest Lecture | “AI: Future of Construction” | Department |
5 | 2023-24 | Guest Lecture | “Explore a Dynamic Career in BIM Technology” | Department |
6 | 2023-24 | Guest Lecture | Recent Trends in Civil Engineering | Department |
7 | 2023-24 | Conference | The 2nd International Conference on Material, Energy And Environment For Sustainable Development | Institute |
8 | 2023-24 | Guest Lecture | Application of SPSS Software | Department |
9 | 2022-23 | Webinar | A online Guest lecture on Building Information Modelling. | Department |
10 | 2022-23 | Workshop | Workshop on Building Planning and Design as per Building Bye Laws. | Department |
11 | 2022-23 | Workshop | One day Workshop on "Mix Design of different types of concretes." | Department |
12 | 2022-23 | Guest Lecture | Guest Lecture: Construction Practices & New Opportunities in Civil Engineering | Department |
13 | 2022-23 | Guest Lecture | Guest Lecture: Entrepreneurship in Civil Engineering and Government Schemes for Entrepreneurs | Department |
14 | 2021-22 | Guest Lecture | Advance in construction Practice | Department |
15 | 2021-22 | Guest Lecture | Career opportunities in civil Engg | Department |
16 | 2021-22 | Guest Lecture | Ground improvement Technique | Department |
17 | 2021-22 | Guest Lecture | Advance practices in construction technology | Department |
18 | 2021-22 | Guest Lecture | Practical Approch to Theodolite Traversing | Department |
19 | 2021-22 | Guest Lecture | Organizes live interaction session with alumni | Department |
20 | 2021-22 | Guest Lecture | Use of Advance Technologies in High _Rise Residential Construction project | Department |
21 | 2021-22 | Guest Lecture | Application of building information Modelling (BIM) in Construction-An Overview | Department |
22 | 2021-22 | Guest Lecture | Innovative Advancement in construction, Real Estate Infrastructure and project(RIP) sector | Department |
23 | 2021-22 | Guest Lecture | Preparation for competitive Examination | Department |
24 | 2021-22 | Guest Lecture | Structural Health Monitoring | Department |
25 | 2020-21 | Guest Lecture | Performnace of RC Frame- Shear wall System | Department |
26 | 2020-21 | Guest Lecture | Tenders & Contracts | Department |
27 | 2020-21 | Guest Lecture | Geotechnical Investigation | Department |
28 | 2020-21 | Guest Lecture | Recent advancement in Environmental Engineering | Department |
29 | 2020-21 | Guest Lecture | Contribution of building chemicals in building performance | Department |
30 | 2020-21 | Guest Lecture | Effective time mnagement : A Success Mantra | Department |
31 | 2020-21 | Guest Lecture | A Revit architecture - A way towards building information modelling(BIM) | Department |
32 | 2020-21 | Guest Lecture | Career in building information Modelling | Department |
33 | 2020-21 | Guest Lecture | Advance in muncipal solid waste management | Department |
34 | 2020-21 | Guest Lecture | An overview on E tab | Department |
35 | 2020-21 | Guest Lecture | Role of Geology in major civil engineering projects | Department |
36 | 2020-21 | Guest Lecture | Modelling and analysis of structures using STAAD-Pro | Department |
Sr. No. | Name Organisation | Purpose | Date of Signing MoU | Duration of MoU (Years) | Current Status |
1 | KaiZen CADD Training and Consultancy, Pune | Providing training to students about different construction practices used in Civil Engineering field through field trainings, site visits, VAP, etc. | 6/28/2021 | 5 | Active |
2 | MITCON consultancy & Engineering Services, Solapur. | Providing training to students about different construction practices used in Civil Engineering field through field trainings, site visits, VAP, etc. | 8/5/2022 | 5 | Active |
3 | M/s C. P. Bagal Infra Pvt. Ltd., Pune / Pandharpur. | Providing knowledge to students about different construction practices used in Civil Engineering field through Internship, field trainings, site visits, etc. | 11/19/2022 | 5 | Active |
4 | Indovance Private Ltd. Pune | Hiring & Training Program, Workshops & Competitions, Guest Lectures, Soft skills & Best practices. | 1/2/2023 | 2 | Active |
5 | DBK Consultant (CAD DESK), Balaji Nagar, Pune. | Providing training to students & staff about different practices used in Civil Engineering Design & Drafting field through Software trainings, Guest lectures, etc. | 1/31/2023 | 5 | Active |
6 | Bharat Dhobale & Associates, Pandharpur. | Providing knowledge to students about different construction practices used in Civil Engineering field through Internship, field trainings, site visits, etc. | 2/7/2023 | 5 | Active |
7 | Swarup Construction and Developers Private Limited | Providing knowledge to students about different construction practices used in Civil Engineering field through Internship, field trainings, site visits, etc. | 1/10/2023 | 5 | Active |
SKN Sinhgad College of Engineering organized a one-day national level technical event for diploma and undergraduate degree students. The Department of Civil Engineering at the SKN Sinhgad College of Engineering, facilitated this technical awareness in engineering and technology for the engineering students. The students participated in various technical events of “SPECTRUM”. In SPECTRUM, various events organized such as Technical Poster Presentation, Quiz Competition, Trusso Model making and Float a Boat. Huge numbers of students were participated in this national level event from various engineering colleges. The main objective of this event was to provide platform to students to explore their skills and knowledge and sharing it with other students.
SKN Sinhgad College of Engineering Korti, Pandharpur (SKNSCOE) with Institutions Innovation Council (IIC) organises WEENGS (Project Exhibition) for diploma and engineering students. Huge numbers of students were participated in this national level event from various engineering colleges. The main objective of this event was to provide the platform and show the potential of the student by presenting their innovative projects developed in the final and third year.
The institute provides has incurred SE PPT Presentation session in the regular time table. The staff from Civil department guides the students to prepare the quality PPT Presentation with appropriate slide layouts. The institute provides the LCD projectors and other facilities to conduct PPT Presentation of students. The panel of judges, staff members give valuable suggestions to the students and evaluate their presentation by giving marks which are considered while calculating the term work of students.
Activity-based learning is an instructional approach that emphasizes learning through active participation of students rather than passive learning through GD activity.The goal of a group discussion is to arrive at a collective decision or solution that is acceptable to all members of the group. A group discussion is a collaborative communication process involving a group of students who engage in an interactive conversation to explore, analyze, or address a specific topic, issue etc.
Sr. No. | Content | Download File | Feedback |
1 | Activity Based Learning | ![]() |
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2 | Video Based Learning | ![]() |
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3 | Project Based Learning | ![]() |
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4 | Air Conditioning Model | ![]() |
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5 | Collapsible Door | ![]() |
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6 | Energy from Plastic Waste | ![]() |
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7 | Footing Model | ![]() |
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8 | Hydraulic Car Parking Model OSB | ![]() |
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9 | Innovative Practice | ![]() |
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10 | Panama Canal | ![]() |
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11 | Panel Window Model | ![]() |
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12 | Plumbing Material Model | ![]() |
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13 | Police Station Model OSB | ![]() |
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